Running into Abba’s Love

I am joining with for Five Minute Friday. The goal is to write for five minutes about a word. No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

Today’s prompt is:


father-and-child - Version 2

Little girl and Abba took a walk to the edge of the sea not so far from home. Little girl had seen the sea once in the distance from Abba’s house. You couldn’t really see it unless you looked for it.

Little girl loved the water and was excited it was so near. At the same time, she was a bit afraid of it as well. The waves and water were amazing but overwhelming at times.

“Little girl, do you see that hill over there? The best view of the sea is from the top of that hill,” Abba said as he pointed towards the gorgeous cliff overlooking the sea.

Little girl looked and saw exactly what Abba was talking about. She looked at the cliff and then looked away and buried her face in Abba’s pants. She loved the idea of that beautiful lookout but she was desperately afraid of it at the same time.

Little girl knew this was the beginning of a new season for her. She would face her fears in a way she hadn’t quite done before. This time Abba would be right beside her. She knew she could do it because she knew Abba would help her every step of the way.

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For more on Encountering Abba’s Heart check out my daily posts throughout the month of October.

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