restore Zion – day 18

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Taste

retore Zion

Abba, connect our hearts with Yours today
Related to Your people Israel
And let our prayers reach Your ears
And reach Your heart
That the answers would rain down upon
Israel today

Abba, good Father of Israel
Would You open eyes to see,
Open ears to hear,
and soften hearts to believe
Would You let many taste and see Your great goodness
to them, and to all

Abba, restore Israel’s vision
Let them see
Restore Israel’s soul
Let them believe
Restore Israel’s hope
May this be an hour of hope restored
Great G-d of hope
G-d who restores the brokenhearted

Abba, would You bring redemption to Zion
Would You pour out restoration like rain,
the former and latter rain together
For Zion’s sake
For Jerusalem
That Zion would shine with righteousness
That Jerusalem would burn with salvation

Abba, this is Your desire
Satisfy Your own heart
Bring Israel home to You

Thank You, great G-d of restoration

For Day 15 LIFE for Israel go to
For Day 16 hearts to turn & be healed go to
For Day 17 friend of G-d

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friend of G-d – day 17

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Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt:Long

friend of G-d

We’re in this for the long haul
There is a drawing, a compelling, a desire in the heart of G-d
That we would draw in, that we would come near

The living G-d draws us in and longs for us to come close
He draws us near to speak tenderly to our hearts
He brings us close to share His secrets
He shares His secrets with His friends

May we be friends of G-d
May we long to be close to His heart daily
May we be trustworthy with all He shares with us

Abba, show me the deepest things on Your heart
“Daughter,” He says, “I’ll show You what I ache for, what I long for, if you’re willing.”
“Please Abba, I want to be close to You,” was my response.

I opened up the Word and Israel is what He showed me
He put Israel within my heart in order that I may share in His
The people, the place, the Land, His covenants
“Israel, my beloved one, is My firstborn son. I ache and I long to bring Israel back to Me.
The people of Israel are deep within My heart, and I want to share that with you, my precious daughter.”

And the story goes,
He offered me His heart,
He showed me a bit of the deep unto deep
He shared a secret of His heart
I said, “yes” to this calling for which I am called
Daily sharing heart to heart
Daily crying out, waiting, watching, praying
that Israel may come home to Abba

For Day 13 the labor of His soul go to
For Day 14 His love is enough go to
For Day 15 LIFE for Israel go to
For Day 16 hearts to turn & be healed go to

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hearts to turn & be healed – day 16

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Adjust

hearts to turn & be healed

Abba, where my mind is blinded and I cannot see
Adjust my vision
Where my heart cannot enter in
Remove the veil

Your people Israel are Your firstborn
Yet for many years, decades, centuries
We’ve not seen nor understood

How is this, that our minds are blinded and our hearts are not free?
How is this, that we say we want Your heart yet we don’t love our elder brother?
How is it, that blindness of mind and hardness of heart
still prevail?
And we cannot see Your Word clearly at times

Abba, why is it so hard to believe You love us outside of our works?
Why are we so prone to desire being right rather than being righteous?
Abba, we need the cleansing from iniquity and the washing of the Word and the Spirit

We’ve missed so much of what You said about Israel
In our own self-righteousness
Thinking we were better
Yet Abba, we’re not
We need Your mercy
Like Israel needs Your mercy

Please come and adjust our minds, our hearts, our understanding
That eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to turn and be healed,
To love our brother Israel
We would have

That in turn
We would ache for this for Israel
Abba, give Your beloved Israel eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to turn to You and be healed
Let this be our desire

For Day 13 the labor of His soul go to
For Day 14 His love is enough go to
For Day 15 LIFE for Israel go to

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LIFE for Israel – day 15

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Life

LIFE for Israel

I love the word Life. I love the word Live. I love the power and breath of G-d that brings resurrection inside and out. We have the power to speak and prophesy LIFE over the house of Israel according to the words given to Ezekiel so long ago. Use your words. Use your breath. Pray, prophesy and speak LIFE according to the will of the Father for Israel.

Abba, pour out Your Spirit of LIFE upon the whole house of Israel that they may know Your LIFE deep within, and that they may know You are their G-d!

Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the Word of Adonai!’ Thus says Adonai Elohim to these bones: Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall LIVE. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall LIVE. Then you shall know that I am Adonai….Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man and say to the breath, ‘Thus says Adonai,”Come from the four winds, O breath, and breath on these slain, that they may LIVE.‘ So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they LIVED, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army…Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’ Prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says Adonai: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves and bring you into the land of Israel. Then you shall know I am Adonai when I have opened up your graves. I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall LIVE, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, Adonai, have spoken it and performed it.

Adonai’s Word to the prophet Ezekiel (Chapter 37)

what will Israel’s acceptance be but LIFE from the dead!!

For Day 12 G-d’s choice – a prayer go to
For Day 13 the labor of His soul go to
For Day 14 His love is enough go to

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His love is enough – day 14

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Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Away

His love is enough

I can’t run away
from You,
From Your unrelenting, persevering love
Your love chases me down
When I’m not sure if anyone’s there
or if anyone cares,
Your love wraps all around me
You bring me to my knees
My heart feels Your mercy
The tears begin to fall
No matter the pain, or darkness,
No matter the anguish I’ve known
Your love reaches me
Your love chases me down

You have a son, Father
Your son is Israel
He cannot, will not get away from Your love
Abba, Father
If Your love is enough for me
Your love is enough
Your love is more than enough for Your beloved Son
Your beautiful one
Abba, may Your lovingkindness that chases me down
Bring Your people near once again
May Your tender mercy fall upon their hearts
May Your beautiful love draw them in
Abba, Your love is enough
For all of Israel’s pain and suffering

Israel, He sees, He knows, He comprehends all your ways
Let Him in again
He will heal Your broken heart
He will comfort your shaken soul
He is enough
And His desire is for you, O Israel
Abba longs that you come home

For Day 11 my perfect Father with a beautiful heart go to
For Day 12 G-d’s choice – a prayer go to
For Day 13 the labor of His soul go to

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the labor of His soul – day 13

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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the labor of His soul

Praying with G-d for the brokenhearted ones
Laboring with the holy One on behalf of the afflicted
Toiling that one may find life eternal, and now

The labor of love
A life given, not taken
The labor of His soul shall be satisfied
The people of His heart
and the people of His blood
Not forgotten,
Not forsaken

The people He came from
Unaware of all He did, and all He said
but mostly unaware of His great love for them
Rejected, left alone, not cared for

O Abba,
May the heart cries of Your firstborn throughout the ages come up
to Your ears and bring hope and life eternal back down to their hearts

O Abba,
May the labor of His soul be satisfied

O Abba,
May Your heart’s desire for the people of Israel be made known

The labor of love
The desire of Your heart
to say to all who are thirsty, “Come!”
That the living water of life be poured out
May the light be shed abroad in the heart of Israel today

For Zion’s sake I will not be silent
For Jerusalem’s sake I will not hold My peace
Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness
and her salvation as a lamp that burns 1

Zion, Jerusalem, Israel
Come home
Draw Near
He waits for You

1 Isaiah 62:1

For Day 10 aching with G-d go to
For Day 11 my perfect Father with a beautiful heart go to
For Day 12 G-d’s choice – a prayer

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G-d’s Choice – a Prayer – day 12

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Rest

G-d’s Choice – a Prayer

Today I rest, today I wait
patiently, or not so patiently
for You to have Your way in me
You are the beautiful God
with the beautiful heart
and I have nothing to bring that will add anything to the breathtaking reality
that You chose me
You chose me just because You wanted to
I had nothing to bring to this relationship yet You chose me anyway,
For this I am grateful

My life is poured out onto You
My life work is to learn to rest and wait
before You,
to rest in life now that is teeming with forever,
to hope in love pregnant with eternity

May my life breath
whisper, speak, shout
of who You are
Faithful G-d
Magnificent Father
May my heart be bound to You
My life be wrapped up in Your story
My essence be filled with Your breath, Your Spirit

As I wait, watch, hope and pray
May I see Israel’s forever bound with me
May I know we are linked together
May I live with hope awaiting
Your wonderful love
poured out
Transforming hearts, lives, eternities now and all of my days
For You chose Israel like You chose me
Just because You wanted to, You chose Israel
Would You finish this work You started, in Israel
and in me

For Day 9, joined with You go to
For Day 10 aching with G-d go to
For Day 11 my perfect Father with a beautiful heart go to

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my perfect Father with a beautiful heart – day 11

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Teach

my perfect Father with a beautiful Heart

Teach me that I may teach others
O great Teacher, show me what’s on Your heart
O great Counselor, I open my heart wide to You
Like clay in the Potter’s hand
I want to be
Moldable, pliable in Your hands
May my heart be soft to Your whisper
Teachable to Your instructions
May my life be wholly Yours

Teach me about Your heart, Abba
Teach me about who You are and how You love
That I can love like You love

Teach me to love my brother
Like You love me
Show me Your love for Your firstborn Israel
More and more,
That I would love Israel like You do
And I would see and patiently long for Israel’s full destiny
That has long been in Your heart

Give me a heart like Yours
Teach me Abba
Day by day by day
May I know Your heart, Your love, Your ways
More and more

Thank You Abba
You have such a beautiful heart

For Day 8, change our hearts go to
For Day 9, joined with You go to
For Day 10 aching with G-d go to

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Write 31 Days

aching with G-d – day 10

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Today’s Prompt: Care

aching with G-d

The life of an intercessor
Joining with Your heart
Joining with Your prayers

Waiting, watching, hoping, praying
Absolutely lost, finished,
if You do not answer

A life of desperation
and a life of aching with Him
Acutely caring for the things on His heart
The place of the heart being yoked with the only One
Who can take the burden and share His holy longing

Where are the wailing women today?
Where are those whose lives are marked by weeping and tears,
for the sake of the children, for the sake of Your people?

For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt 1
It is the sound of Rachel weeping for her children
because they are no more 2

Abba, awaken our hearts to see and know,
To love and care,
To carry and be carried by You in the deep unto deep of Your heart
and Your burden

Let me be so close to You,
Hidden in Your heart

Share Your heart with me
I want to bridge the gap

Wail, cry, mourn, rejoice,
Agree with You
Bring redemption nigh, Abba
For Israel, Your Son
And for the sake of the whole earth
That You may be satisfied

1 Jeremiah 8:21
2 Jeremiah 31:15

For Day 7, His Heart Engraved go to
For Day 8, change our hearts go to
For Day 9, joined with You go to

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Write 31 Days

joined with You – day 9

Joining the 31 Day online writing challenge

Every Day for Thirty-One Days
Abba’s Heartbeat for Israel

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Joined with You

I ponder my journey with You
Day by day
You call me nearer, You draw me deeper
You continuously allow me to join in Your heart

In times of trial and challenge,
In times of prosperity,
You ask me if I want to come nearer

You heart is wide open for me to come in to
You ask me to join with You in those places many will not go

As an intercessor
Standing, waiting, believing
How can I not say, “Yes”
How can I not join with You
For You’ve captivated my heart
And You’ve brought me into this love incomprehensible
And You’ve shown me Your desire

So pray,
These things
For Israel
I will do
All of my days
For this is all about You
This is all about Your desire
Persuaded by Your heart
Here I am
I am Yours
Use Me for Yourself,
I am joined together with You,
Together with Israel in this story
Written by Your hand

For Day 7, His Heart Engraved go to
For Day 8, change our hearts go to

31 Days FMF

Write 31 Days